Do children transmit the virus more effectively than adults? New research findings
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Do children transmit the virus more effectively than adults? New research findings

The coronavirus pandemic has us constantly keeping our finger on the pulse. Until now, we’ve been paying attention mostly to adults, but as it turns out, children may also be responsible for COVID-19 transmission.

Research results from Chicago

As reported in foreign media, a pediatric hospital in Chicago published shocking new test results. After checking the concentration of coronavirus in the upper part of the throat, it turned out that children under 5 years old have 10 to even 100 times more COVID-19 bacteria in their nasopharynx than older kids and adults.

Does age matter?

Although children are less susceptible to contracting coronavirus, they are likely to significantly influence its spread. A study conducted in Trento, Italy, confirms this – it appears that the youngest children have the highest concentrations of COVID-19 in their nasal passages and transmit the virus more effectively than adults. Importantly, the above information could significantly affect the timing of school openings.

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