How do you prepare your child for the arrival of a sibling?
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How do you prepare your child for the arrival of a sibling?

The second pregnancy in the family is quite a challenge not only for the mother, but also for the firstborn son or daughter. How to prepare a child for the arrival of a sibling? What should be kept in mind? What will help to prepare the child for such a revolution?

1. Possible reactions of the child

The first child after the appearance of another member of the family at first feels joy and curiosity. Usually, he cannot wait to play together, because a few years old does not yet understand that a newborn is not a good playmate. Do not forget that after the birth of the second baby, jealousy may arise, as well as anger. Parents are tired, and the toddler may feel that he is not the most important. It is necessary to make sure that the first child feels noticed. His feelings cannot be ignored and it is advisable to act even before the next toddler arrives in the world.

2. Tell your child about the future life with a sibling

It is extremely important that the key to good communication with your child is conversation. The dialogue should be about what the family will be like when the second child comes into the world. Don’t be afraid to talk about the changes that await you. Involve your child in the renovation of the toddler’s room and go shopping together. The older child cannot feel left out and neglected, as this will create negative emotions

3. Focus on the first child

Another point is to make sure that your child also talks about their feelings. This will help combat the jealousy that often follows the birth of another child. Look together at the baby’s ultrasound pictures, mementos from your first child’s infancy and talk about what the first days together were like. Thanks to this the child will understand that the next child should be welcomed into the world as warmly and joyfully. Show your firstborn that you love him very much and that he is special to you

4. Avoid punishments for negative emotions

When a child is concerned about the mother’s pregnancy and feels a lack of understanding on the part of the parents, they often hide their emotions. This unfortunately leads to sleep disorders, bedwetting problems, and irritability and aggression. You should never ignore such behavior or punish your toddler for how he feels. Don’t criticize your child and let him prove himself, giving a helping hand if necessary. Punishments lead to nothing and create even more anxiety in the child

5. Explain to your child about caring for a newborn baby

In any family, honesty is the foundation for building a loving and understanding home. Explain to your child that the new member of the family mainly sleeps and eats in the first months. He cannot take care of himself and also cries at night, so talk about this issue with your child as well. Ask him or her if he or she will help with the care and state exactly what you expect. If your child starts to rebel, remind him that his friends from kindergarten or the backyard also have siblings and are doing very well

6. Don’t blame poor moods and bad moods on pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when huge changes take place in a woman’s body. During this period, she may feel tired and may not be in good shape. It is necessary to explain to the older child that the little one in the belly is not to blame for mom feeling poorly. In this way, the child will not associate problems with his sister or brother. After a while, the mother will be back to full fitness and will be able to enjoy crazy games with her children

The arrival of a new family member is always a huge revolution in life. If you already have one child, don’t forget that he or she needs to feel important. Talk to him every day and explain what caring for a newborn is like. Honesty is very important and is the key to success. Allow your child to be emotional and show him that his feelings are important. If your child feels understanding, it will be easier to adjust to the new situation.

Main photo: Christian Bowen, source:

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