Being Eco has become a trend – more and more people are paying attention to taking care of the environment. Eco-friendly cleaning products are a great alternative to chemical detergents. How can you make eco-friendly cleaning products?
All-purpose cleaner
This spray is great for cleaning countertops, furniture fronts, bathroom fixtures and toilets.
½ cup vinegar or 5 teaspoons citric acid,
½ cup lukewarm boiled water,
10 drops of essential oil such as lemon or lavender.
Method of making:
Mix all the ingredients in an atomizer bottle. Leave for a while.
Cleaning paste
Restores shine to your sink, shower tray, bathtub and kitchen wall tiles.
100 g baking soda,
50 ml of gray soap or 50 g of gray soap grated and dissolved in warm water (1:1 ratio),
10 drops of essential oil such as rose or flower oil.
Method of making:
Mix all the ingredients together and put them in a tightly closed container. This paste can be stored for up to a year.
Dishwasher powder
In most Polish taps, water is hard. Therefore, it is worth changing the proportions of salt and soda to soften the water properly.
1 cup of soda ash,
1 glass of baking soda,
1 cup table salt,
3 tablespoons of fine grated gray soap,
15 drops of essential oil.
Method of making:
Mix all ingredients in a large plastic or glass bowl.
Transfer to a resealable plastic box or weka jar.
One heaping tablespoon into a tablet container.
Homemade glass cleaner
DIY glass cleaner can be made in two ways:
Vinegar glass cleaner
0.5 L of warm water,
1 cup of vinegar.
Method of making:
Mix the water and vinegar in an atomizer bottle.
From hydrogen peroxide and essential oil
50 ml of 3% oxidized water,
450 ml of cold water,
2 drops of essential oil.
Method of making:
Mix all the ingredients in an atomizer bottle.
Oil for cleaning furniture
Before using the paste, first apply it on a not very visible part of the furniture and see how it reacts
5 teaspoons of linseed oil or grape seed oil,
3 tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice,
10 drops of essential oil.
Pour all the ingredients into a jar and cap it – it is important that all the ingredients are at the same temperature.
Shake it until all the ingredients are combined.
The oil should have the consistency of mayonnaise.
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