A layette to the nursery – what cannot be missing in it?
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A layette to the nursery – what cannot be missing in it?

Sending a child to the nursery is often associated with a lot of emotions. Parents wonder how to prepare their child for the stay in the institution. The layette is also important – what should be in it, so that the child has everything it needs?

Not every mother can stay with her child for the first years of life. Nowadays, not many women even decide to do this. You can not always count on the help of grandparents, and a nanny is associated with too high a cost. Therefore, the toddler often goes to a nursery. Sending a child to an institution is often associated with a lot of stress and emotions. Every parent wants the child to have everything it needs there. Therefore, it is important to prepare an appropriate layette. What should it include?

What will be needed?

What will be useful for a child during its stay in a nursery often depends on whether it will go to a private or public institution. In the former case, often at the beginning there is a contribution to the purchase of certain products, so you should not bring them separately

Each layette should certainly include comfortable change clothes – a blouse, blouse, pants, pants and socks. It is best to prepare two sets. Such a toddler often gets dirty, and if he no longer wears a diaper, it may also happen that he will not manage to get to the toilet and it will be necessary to change him

You should also pack the pajamas in which your child will be lying down. It’s best if it’s easy to put on and take off – it’s worth bearing in mind that ladies have several children in their care, so this will certainly make things easier for them. You should also bring bedding. Sometimes in private nurseries it is provided. Therefore, it is worth asking the institution about this before buying.

If the child does not use the potty yet, you should pack disposable diapers – the best supply for a week or a month. It is advisable to follow the advice of the centre’s staff. And of course wet wipes, powder, nappy rash cream and underpads. If the child is at the stage of weaning, you can also pack training panties. In addition, the layette should include: a toothbrush, toothpaste, cup and a comb or brush

It is necessary to take care of comfortable slippers in which the child will walk during the day. Choose slippers that fit the foot well and have a soft sole. They should have a Velcro fastener so they are easy to put on and take off.

These things may also come in handy

Let’s not deceive ourselves, for most children staying in a new place is associated with a lot of stress. That is why you should make sure that your child goes through the adaptation period as calmly as possible. A mascot and a blanket, which will let the child fall asleep, as well as a pacifier, if the child uses it, will certainly help. It is also a good idea to bring a cup that the child likes, or that you let him or her choose in the store.

Bibs andjackets may also come in handy, because toddlers in nurseries often learn to eat on their own, and this involves getting everything around them dirty, including their clothes

Dishes in the form of a plastic plate, bowl, or cutlery do not have to be brought, but it is worth bringing a bottle for the child to drink from. If the child uses a bottle with a teat, this should also be included in the layette

The layette should also include a folder or binder for your child’s artwork, which will certainly be quite a lot.

Remember to sign everything

The child is unlikely to keep track of its things and you should remember that other young wards may have similar accessories or clothes. That is why, it is worth signing everything. You can sew initials on yourself or buy special patches with the name and surname. A waterproof marker will also be useful, as a regular one may wash out in the wash. An interesting option are also special materials, which can be signed and ironed on with a hot iron

Before preparing the layette it is also worth visiting the nursery. Institutions often have prepared ready-made lists of what you will need.

Main photo: Rashid Sadykov, source: unsplash.com

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