Development - Page 4

Intensive growth of a child – what can’t be missing in its diet?
Intensive growth of a child – what can’t be missing in its diet?

Your child is in a period of intensive growth. Read what ingredients should not be missing from his diet!

A vegetarian diet for children?
A vegetarian diet for children?

Want to implement a vegetarian diet in your child? Find out if you can do it!

Boost immunity the natural and healthy way
Boost immunity the natural and healthy way

Looking for ways to strengthen your body naturally? Read this article and learn how to boost your immunity naturally.

Eco-friendly toys for kids. What to opt for?
Eco-friendly toys for kids. What to opt for?

Want your little one to play with safe toys? Read about eco-friendly toys for kids.

Effective methods for learning to read
Effective methods for learning to read

Want to learn about effective methods for learning to read? Check out this article.

Store brawl – how to respond to a child crying and screaming in a public place?
Store brawl – how to respond to a child crying and screaming in a public place?

A crying, screaming and stomping child in a public place is a fairly common sight that is every parent’s nightmare. What to do to calm the toddler and avoid such situations in the future?

Natural and safe DIY home cleaning products
Natural and safe DIY home cleaning products

Want to be more eco-friendly? Read about effective household cleaning products.

The first days of school. How to prepare our child for them?
The first days of school. How to prepare our child for them?

The first days of school can be really stressful. Help your child prepare accordingly

Who is an ecomallah?
Who is an ecomallah?

How to raise a child in an eco-friendly way? Among other things, every mother should consider breastfeeding, using cloth diapers and cooking for herself.

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Store brawl – how to respond to a child crying and screaming in a public place?
Store brawl – how to respond to a child crying and screaming in a public place?
A crying, screaming and stomping child in a public place is a fairly common sight that is every parent's nightmare. What to do to calm the toddler and avoid such situations in the future?
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