How to encourage your child to learn foreign languages?
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How to encourage your child to learn foreign languages?

Knowledge of foreign languages is essential in today’s world. With the skills you acquire, you can find a better job, travel and make international friends. Education can begin at any time. It is best to learn from an early age. Do you know how to encourage your child to learn foreign languages and give him/her a better start in adult life?

The right support

Being a parent is a real challenge. There are many unexpected situations that throw you off balance. But you have to keep it classy. You can’t be angry all the time. This is very important, especially when your child starts learning foreign languages.

You have to keep his/her attitude positive. Support and motivate him/her. Learn together. Don’t get upset when he/she can’t remember something. Recall if you’ve always found everything easy? How many times have you felt helpless and cried when something didn’t work out? Your child may also feel lost, so try not to stress her out more.

How to make your child eager to learn foreign languages?

At the beginning the education may proceed unconsciously. Inspire curiosity and encourage action. This way your child can master single words and learn foreign sounds, which in the future will make it easier to learn difficult grammar constructions. Learning through play is the best way for your child to naturally master language skills. Here are some suggestions for spending time together:

1. Foreign language stories

All children love fairy tales, take advantage of that! Offer your child a favorite fairy tale in a language other than Polish. Watch it together. If you know a language well, you can also rent or buy books which you will read to him in the evening. Colourful illustrations will catch his eye and help to fight boredom. The pictures will also help him understand the plot. In addition, time spent together will have a positive impact on your relationship.

2. Foreign songs for children

It is said that music soothes. Cheerful melodies create a friendly atmosphere. You can have fun and learn at the same time. All you have to do is dance and show together. Popular songs will help you remember vocabulary better without putting pressure on your toddler.

3. Walks

A trip to the park or out shopping is a good time to consolidate acquired knowledge. Movement in fresh air will oxygenate the mind, and learning will become more effective. Recall the names of objects and animals you pass. Repetition is an integral part of education. Without it, you cannot achieve good results.

4. Travel

If possible, arrange a trip abroad. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. Contact with foreigners is the best way to learn foreign languages. Conversation with a native speaker will help your toddler spread his wings. For him it can be a fascinating adventure, which will further motivate him to learn.

5. Games, plays and coloring books

Appropriately selected materials support vocabulary learning. Simple exercises make it easier to learn new words and repeat familiar phrases. Moreover, manual activities, puzzles and games stimulate both cerebral hemispheres.

source: YouTube(

The advantages of learning foreign languages at a child’s age

More and more parents enroll their children in language courses from an early age. Is it a good idea? If you hesitate and do not know what decision to make, learn about the benefits of education. Perhaps they will dispel your doubts.

Your child doesn’t have to be great at everything. Show him as many possibilities as possible. You will see for yourself what he/she enjoys most. Contact with a foreign language will have a positive influence on his/her development. It will be easier for him to concentrate and remember things.

Toddlers assimilate new sounds very well. They can perfectly imitate sounds, accent and intonation. If they continue learning, they have a chance to master foreign speech at the highest level. Their pronunciation will not differ in any way from the native speakers.

Children behave naturally, they don’t pretend anything and they don’t have the same inhibitions as adults. They are not afraid of ridicule when they make a mistake. They are not discouraged at the first slip-up. Of course, everything depends on the teachers and people closest to them. If they show understanding in this situation, learning a foreign language can become their passion and a guarantee of success in the future.

The role of the parent

How the child perceives learning depends on the parents. If they do not create pressure, but only support, there is a good chance that the toddler will absorb knowledge on his own. It is enough to create the right conditions for him. Be a guide for your child on the educational path. Give him a lot of attention and motivate him. Together you can learn a lot, have fun and get to know each other better.

Language skills are an investment in the future. They can help you get a better education and job. Moreover, getting to know a foreign culture broadens your horizons. In this way it is easier to understand other people and their problems. In this way we become more empathetic and are able to enjoy the little things.

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