How to organize a successful baby shower?
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How to organize a successful baby shower?

Baby shower is becoming more and more popular in Poland. Ladies have fallen in love with meetings and parties before the birth of a child. We check how to prepare it!

Just a few years ago baby shower was some kind of foreign invention. Today this custom is very popular also in Poland. What is it? It is a party organized for the future mother by her close female relatives or friends. Literally translated “baby shower” means “baby shower”, but in fact it is a shower of gifts for the yet unborn child and its mother. So we take a look at how to make this party a success!

1. Consider if the party should be a surprise

A baby shower can be planned together with the mother-to-be or as a surprise. Consider which version the expectant mother would prefer. If she likes to be surprised, and the organizers and participants can easily keep a secret, the party can be a pleasant surprise. However if the future mother prefers to have everything under control – it’s better to plan the party together with her.

2. Create a guest list

At the baby shower should be women who are close to the heart of the future mother. Therefore, it is better to invite fewer people, but that they are really special, and their presence will improve the mood of the pregnant woman. If we do not make a surprise party, then such a guest list should be prepared with her. When the party is a surprise it’s worth consulting for example your husband or partner and another close person (sister, friend)

3. Plan the place and take care of decorations

It is worth to have the party in some nice and comfortable place, where all the ladies will be able to have fun and celebrate without restraint. It may be a favorite café, but the most common choice is an apartment, house or garden of one of the participants. The basis of the baby shower are undoubtedly decorations. A “baby shower” sign and helium balloons are a must. Then there are garlands, straws, colorful cups, and lots of other goodies that match the gender of the unborn child (if known).

4. Think about gifts

Gifts and souvenirs are the foundation of a baby shower. The party is usually organized a month or two before the birth of the baby, so some of the layette can be completed. Therefore, it is worth asking the mom-to-be what she is still missing and create a list of items that she would definitely need. You can also think about a contribution to the gifts. Then the party organizer herself or with the help of another friend takes care of buying the necessary things for the baby. It is always good to add something outside the list, to surprise the future mother

It is important to remember not only about gifts for the baby, but also to buy something for the future mother. A good idea is e.g. some beauty treatment (which can also be used by pregnant women), a voucher to the spa or jewelry. It is also a good idea to prepare from the heart e.g. an album or a frame, in which there will be photos of all the participants of the party with e.g. funny common stories or advice

5. Refreshments also count

A baby shower should not be without good food. Consider whether it is better to order catering or each of the participants will prepare a special dish. Then you should determine in advance which of the ladies will prepare and bring what. When it comes to alcohol, it is worth discussing this issue with the future mother. Many women want the participants of the party, who can consume it, to toast the unborn baby with a glass of champagne, wine or a colorful drink.

The party certainly can not run out of sweets. The most popular are muffins and cake. Everything in color must remind you of the occasion on which the ladies decided to meet!

6. Get your camera ready

Lots of photos is another basic element of the meeting. Ladies like to pose with the mom-to-be and take lots of photos of her to reminisce about this special time together later. Some women even decide to hire a photographer to take professional photos of them while they are having fun together

Main Photo: Paola Vasquez, source:

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