Painting and drawing – a way to develop child’s creativity
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Painting and drawing – a way to develop child’s creativity

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Generally, children enjoy drawing and painting. No wonder, because it is great fun for them. It also allows them to develop their creativity, so it is important that toddlers can express their imagination this way.

Advantages of drawing and painting

Drawing allows children to develop manual skills, while painting develops motor skills. Besides, they develop imagination and fantasy. Children are not limited in their creativity, so it is worth taking care of the right materials for drawing and painting, so crayons, cards or painting pads. Painting allows children to think outside the box and be more open-minded about how they can achieve their goals.

Children learn colors through painting, even if they don’t yet know their names. They can also learn shapes. So this is a very good way to develop little ones. By starting with drawing simple lines, mixing colors and filling in the right blanks, children develop their skills and coordination, which has a positive impact on their further development. When they start learning to write, children need more dexterity and accuracy and early painting and drawing is a very good way to do this.

Learning through play

Painting and drawing is something that a child enjoys, but it also helps to encourage them to learn and develop other skills. When a child creates his or her artwork, he or she can’t wait to see the end result, and when they see it, they are proud of themselves. This is a very important point especially at the beginning of education, as children’s lack of interest can affect their further learning.

Often, brush writing is the first step to learning to write, so it is important for young children to have such creative activities. This will help encourage them to continue learning.

Painting by numbers

This type of artistic activity is growing in popularity. Painting by numbers is all about learning for children. They can learn how to hold a brush and it is also a great training for precision and concentration. Children also develop eye-hand coordination in this way. The child filling in the blanks with colors learns patience and commitment to the activity.

Painting by numbers for children gives a chance to choose any pattern. The child can paint a favorite animal, but not only. A lot of joy can give him painting his favorite cartoon character or car. Mostly paintings for children are of various colors, so for sure such activity will give a lot of joy to the little ones.

For slightly older children a very good solution will be a genre scene, i.e. a picture showing characters in various everyday life situations. If a child is interested in dancing, he or she will surely paint a picture of a ballerina with enthusiasm, and if he or she likes playing an instrument, it is worth choosing such a picture for him or her.

Each of the patterns is an opportunity for the child to develop creativity, and hanging his own work on the wall will certainly increase his self-confidence.

Benefits in further development

In addition to developing creativity and manual skills, for many children painting is their first experience of making decisions that affect the final outcome. It allows them to develop critical thinking skills and make choices on their own. In addition, through painting and drawing children have the opportunity to express their feelings and ideas. It is also important that by being exposed to art from an early age, the child will be more sensitive to it in the future.

Main photo: Liliana Drew/

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