Breastfeeding although natural, is very often painful. According to studies, one in three women have problems breastfeeding their baby.
There are many causes of breast pain when feeding your baby. In 1/3 of women, pain begins in the first week after birth and is most severe between 3 and 7 days after birth. The most common reasons for breast pain are:
Breastfeeding pain can also occur in the later stages of nursing. Some of the most common causes of pain in the later stages of breastfeeding include:
First of all, it is worth contacting a lactation consultant, who will help you to improve and correct the feeding technique. Besides, it is also often recommended to change the position in which you hold the baby. If there is a large amount of milk, it is worth pumping out the excess using a breast pump so that the baby can suck effectively. The nipples themselves should also be cared for – change the breast pads after each feed to avoid nipple disease. It’s also a good idea to rinse the nipples with a cotton swab soaked in lukewarm boiled water – this way you can avoid infections, which develop fastest in damp conditions, so if possible “air the nipples” or wipe them dry with a flannel diaper. Many young moms also forget that clothing can irritate the nipples, so it’s worth investing in breast pads, which will be changed regularly and often. You can also take care of your nipples by lubricating them with your own milk or lanolin ointment or by using hydrogel inserts
The pain caused by sore nipples makes moms uncomfortable and is often the reason why they stop breastfeeding. There are several ways to deal with sore nipples:
Main Photo: RODNAE Productions, source: