Your child is afraid to go to school – what should you do?
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Your child is afraid to go to school – what should you do?

Does your child feel anxious about going to school? This is a serious problem, but one you can certainly handle together. Find out what you should do in this situation.

Fear of going to school – it happens!

Anxiety accompanies us throughout life as one of our emotional states. Children also struggle with it. Young children are afraid of many different things. But if your child is afraid to go to school, you should never underestimate it. The reasons can be many and varied – from the quite trivial to the quite serious.

Why is your child afraid to go to school?

School phobia is not a simple phenomenon. On such fear may consist of various reasons, among others:

  • rejection by peers,
  • acts of violence,
  • learning problems,
  • fear of the teacher,
  • a reluctance to speak in public, for example when answering questions.

These are just some examples of reasons why your child may avoid going to school. It may also happen that a child does not want to go to school because he/she feels that he/she is not meeting his/her parents’ expectations. The reason is also family problems, which affect all areas of a student’s life. We should also remember that a child may not want to go to school for no particular reason. This should also be looked into.

How does the unwillingness to go to school manifest itself?

It happens that a student who wants to avoid going to school has various ailments. Children and adolescents affected by school phobia often complain of, among other things, nervous headaches and abdominal pain, diarrhea or shortness of breath are also common. Nervous nail biting or simply a lowered mood – these are also often connected with school duties.

The child does not want to go to school – what to do?

What to do when a child avoids going to school? Although this is an unpleasant situation for the parent, nerves will not be a good advisor here

As always with parenting, the best way is to have an honest conversation with your child. This is where you should start. This may be enough to jointly look for the cause and solve the problem. Sometimes, however, the help of a specialist is needed. Consultation with a psychologist or child psychiatrist is a fairly common way to deal with school phobia. In some situations, appropriately selected medications or psychotherapy are needed. During meetings with a psychotherapist, the child will learn how to overcome his fear and deal with his fears.

What if it’s just an excuse?

Parents worry whether their child’s fear of going to school is just an excuse for laziness. Regardless of whether this is the case, the problem cannot be underestimated. It happens that we immediately put forward a thesis that the child exaggerates his problems, in fact, ignoring his real difficulties. A sincere conversation and possible help of a specialist are the solutions we should bet on

If the reason for the child’s reluctance to attend lessons is our family problems, you can consider psychotherapy for the whole family or the people involved in a particular difficult situation. It’s also worth considering that the cause may be a school skills disorder. Maybe your child suffers from dyslexia, for example, which he is ashamed of in front of teachers and peers? This is an issue that you need to check and possibly try to get a ruling that will make your child’s daily life at the institution easier.

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Main photo: Max Fischer/

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