What exercises are good to do during pregnancy?
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What exercises are good to do during pregnancy?

During pregnancy it is worth remembering about physical activity. It is a chance to avoid many ailments and easier to lose weight after childbirth. But what exercises can be done during this period?

It is a misconception that you cannot exercise during pregnancy. Physical activity is even advisable during this period. However, there are activities that must not be done, so before you start exercising, you should know which of them are advisable and safe for you and your unborn baby

Why exercise when pregnant?

Thanks to regular exercises during pregnancy a woman can maintain good mood, improve her condition and get rid of pain, e.g. backache (which is common in pregnant women). It is worth knowing that physical activity during this period prevents gestational diabetes. In addition, it allows the future mother to relax and makes it easier for her to get rid of excess weight after the birth of the baby

Exercise during pregnancy – contraindications

It should be borne in mind that not every pregnant woman can exercise. Women whose pregnancy is endangered, have spotting, bleeding, weak uterus, low placenta, asthma or heart problems should definitely refrain from physical activity. You should refrain from exercising if you experience pains, for example, in your abdomen or pelvis, dizziness, nausea or if the baby in your abdomen is too active or stops moving suddenly. Problems with swelling, walking or breathing may also be a contraindication to physical activity. In these cases, it is worth asking your healthcare provider what you can afford to do and what you should refrain from

First trimester of pregnancy – what exercises should I do?

In the first trimester of pregnancy it is advisable to exercise three times a week for half an hour. Walking is recommended above all. In addition, you can do exercises that do not cause too much abdominal tension. The best exercises are arm and leg exercises and breathing exercises. You can also do those that correct posture (they favor the spine). More and more women in the first trimester begin to practice yoga – but it is best to do it under the supervision of an instructor, because many positions during this period must not be performed

Second trimester of pregnancy – what activity can you afford?

In the second trimester it is worth going to the swimming pool. Swimming relaxes and relieves the spine, which often starts to hurt at this time as a result of weight gain and a growing belly. However, you need to watch out for intimate infections – pregnant women are very susceptible to them, so if this ailment appears, it is better to give up visiting a swimming pool for some time

During this time it is also worth exercising the pelvic floor muscles, or Kegel muscles. These exercises involve squeezing and relaxing the perineum (as if you were urinating and holding back urine). Thanks to them you can avoid urinary incontinence, which is one of the most common pregnancy and postpartum complaints

In the second trimester you can also practice prenatal yoga and breathing techniques, which are also useful during labor. At home, it is worth doing, for example, single let lift, which is lifting legs bent at the knee in a standing position or sumo squat – sumo squats, with knees open

Third trimester of pregnancy – what can you do to improve your fitness and well-being?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the belly is already quite large. You should definitely exercise your pelvic floor muscles during this period. Short, slow walks also work well – at the end of pregnancy, it is not advisable to strain yourself in any way. Exercises should mainly be done sitting down. It is also a good idea to use a ball – while sitting on it, you can, for example, rock from side to side, lift your legs slightly alternately or move your pelvis back and forth. In turn, making cat’s back and slight twists of the trunk helps to relieve back pain

Main photo: Gustavo Fring, source: pexels.com

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