SEO and children’s merchandising – we discuss the basics
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SEO and children’s merchandising – we discuss the basics

The baby industry is one of those fast-growing, and therefore competitive, industries. So what should you focus on to succeed in the baby merchandising industry? Take a look at our guide.

Clothes, diapers, pampers, pacifiers, toys, blankets, bibs – the most necessary baby accessories seem endless. No wonder, then, that there is no lack of competition in the children’s industry. How to encourage potential customers to choose our store and our products? First of all, you should take care of proper optimization of the website. How to do it? 

In this case, services such as SEO for WordPress or SEO optimization Etsy, often offered by experienced interactive agencies, may prove to be effective. SEO for WordPress, although most commonly used, has become so for a reason. Easy to use, useful plugins, continuous development of the platform and high availability that allows its simple service even on its own. All this makes SEO for WordPress a solution for almost every website, although online stores have access to a huge variety of other solutions, like the aforementioned SEO optimization Etsy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is nothing but a series of actions aimed at optimizing a website so that it appears in the top positions in search engines. By following Google’s guidelines and the rules of healthy competition, we can think of big commerce SEO activities in a broader perspective.  It is worth bearing in mind, however, that SEO is more of a staggered process than a single action. Therefore, before we reach for big commerce SEO activities, we need to be patient and motivated to work. The effects may appear after a few weeks or even months, but they are worth waiting for. You just need to remember to systematically take care of positioning your website and store. How to do it?

Effective SEO audit

Before you start optimizing your website, first perform an effective SEO audit. What does it consist of? It is a detailed and thorough analysis and evaluation of all elements of a website. Both internal (on-page) and external (off-page) factors are checked. The analysis helps to discover why the website appears at lower positions in search engines. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the site, you can develop a strategy and choose solutions that will help optimize and ultimately improve the visibility of the site.

An effective SEO optimization Etsy audit allows you to detect any errors and shows you how to eliminate them and avoid them in the future. During the audit, factors such as:

  • keywords,
  • correctness of title and meta description tags,
  • visibility of the page in the search engine,
  • page load time,
  • adjustment to mobile devices,
  • redirects,
  • error pages (404),
  • graphics.

Website positioning

The performance of a website in terms of SEO optimization Etsy is primarily affected by the content available on it. They should be educational (which is especially important in the case of articles for children, which must meet specific requirements), as well as interesting and unique, i.e. they cannot be duplicated content from other sites.

In the context of positioning pages are important keywords, through which users will find our site. Well-chosen keywords will increase traffic to the site and the store. You should also use long tail phrases, which are more extensive and detailed. If you do not know how to choose them or you have doubts whether you did it right, use tools that will help you, such as Google Keyword Planner or Google Trends.

While caring for proper positioning of your website, do not forget about the technical aspects, which were indicated in the SEO audit, and about linking – both internal, within the subpages, as well as external, directing for example to the store. Make sure the links redirect to the right pages.

SEO in the baby industry – what should you keep in mind?

The general principles of big commerce SEO can be adapted to any industry. If you are a retailer of children’s items, determine the exact scope of your business. This will help you choose the right keywords to include in your product descriptions, categories and articles. The children’s industry offers great opportunities for expert content creation, so think about starting a themed blog to attract traffic to your site. This is also a way to build the image of a professional and credible brand.

Having a social media presence, such as on Instagram, also helps build your image. Some parents may not have the time to read professional articles, but will enjoy watching picture instructions or short videos, for example. In addition, social media helps you connect with customers and build a community with them.

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  • Melanie Strong 25.08.2022

    As you said, SEO in general looks pretty similar, even across industries. Such a common first step in positioning is an audit. Usually, only SEO analysis is performed, however, a new possibility has recently appeared. The SXO audit, which you can learn about from the website:, allows you to analyze not only the SEO of the website, but also the UX. This is extremely important because Google algorithms care a lot about the high level of UX. Therefore, improving the user experience can positively influence your ranking in search results. So it’s worth trying SXO on your website and see that it really works.

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