Effective ways to fight flare-ups
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Effective ways to fight flare-ups

Chafing and diaper dermatitis in infants is very common during the first few years of life. What causes skin chafing in infants? How do I prevent it?

How do I recognize chafing?

Chafing is a small reddening in the area of an infant’s urethra and anus. If a parent notices such a change on the skin of a toddler, he should react as soon as possible so that it does not turn into a diaper rash.

How to recognize diaper dermatitis?

If parents do not react to diaper rash, it can quickly develop into diaper rash. A characteristic symptom of diaper rash is erythema and pimples.

What are the causes of nappy rash?

The main causes of nappy rash in a newborn are

  • too infrequent diaper changes,
  • allergic skin conditions,
  • overheating or abrasions.

10 ways to treat nappy rash in a newborn

1. Frequent diaper changes

Your baby’s skin is very delicate, so the diaper should be changed every two to three hours at the most, and after every bowel movement.

2. Careful washing

Every time you change a diaper you should wash your baby’s bottom and intimate area very carefully. The best way to do this is to use lukewarm boiled water and sterile compresses. If the infant has skin problems, chamomile infusion or a bit of emitter can be added to the water.

After washing, you need to dry the bottom very thoroughly with a paper towel. This should be done by gently touching the baby’s skin.

3. Creams and ointments against chafing

After washing and drying the skin, apply an anti-burn cream or ointment, which will have a protective function. When choosing a cosmetic, it is worth paying attention to its composition. A good preparation should contain:

  • substances lubricating the skin such as lanolin, petroleum jelly, eucerine;
  • anti-inflammatory substances and soothing irritations e.g. d- pantenol and natural oils e.g. olive, wheat germ.

4. Quick response even to a small rash

If changes occur, such as:

  • erythema,
  • papules,
  • blisters.

Respond as quickly as possible by applying over-the-counter creams or going to your healthcare provider. Do not allow erosions to develop.

If a flare-up has already occurred, apply zinc oxide ointment after every diaper change. If persistent nappy rash problems persist, consult a dermatologist or allergologist.

5. Airing the bottom

Fresh air has a regenerative effect on the skin, so leave your baby without a diaper as often and as long as possible. This will help the sores heal faster. When airing the bottom it is worth protecting the base with a waterproof underlay.

The bottom should be aired after being washed, and before putting on a diaper it should be oiled with ointment for sores.

6. The right diapers

There is no single universal brand of diapers that suits all babies. Therefore, it is worth trying available products by trial and error. You should choose for your baby diapers, which:

  • are not chlorine bleached,
  • do not have added fragrances,
  • are not dyed from the inside.

7. Moisturizing wipes only in emergency situations

The best way to wash delicate baby skin is with lukewarm boiled water. Moisturizing wipes are very convenient, but they contain a lot of chemical ingredients that can cause allergies.

8. Watch the skin carefully

If your baby’s skin is dry, it is more susceptible to irritation and chafing. That’s why it’s a good idea to moisturize delicate skin with cosmetics containing emollients.

9. Beneficial baths

In case of problems with chafing the toddler can be relieved by baths with the addition of:

  • starch or potato flour,
  • potassium permanganate,
  • emollients.

10. Do not experiment

If the cosmetics used bring the expected results, do not change them for others. Allergy is a very individual matter and can happen even when using very expensive and recommended cosmetics.

Main photo: Picsea, source: unsplash.com

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