How to deal with lack of sleep after childbirth?
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How to deal with lack of sleep after childbirth?

Have you just become a mom and are struggling to grasp reality? The culprit of your bad mood may be lack of sleep. Check out how to cope with it to quickly regain balance and strength.

Postpartum is a big challenge for a woman

Plenty of moms-to-be are full of anxiety about childbirth, not always thinking about what awaits them right afterwards. Postpartum, a time of about six weeks after the baby comes into the world, is quite a challenge for the whole family, but especially for the woman. The birth of a baby is always associated with a new situation, even if you are not becoming a first-time mom. You need time to get used to it, and your body – time to recover. Hormones are raging, the body is still underdeveloped, and the newborn needs constant proximity to mom. And then there’s that lack of sleep… Postpartum is tough, but you’re sure to cope with everything just fine.

Lack of sleep is dangerous

Let’s start by realizing how dangerous sleep deprivation can be. It is a huge challenge for the body, and the fatigue that accompanies it is associated with many negative consequences. Suffice it to mention that due to constant fatigue, young parents very often quarrel among themselves. Conflicts in the relationship are the last thing you need right now. Unfortunately, it is very rare to have toddlers who will sleep through the nights from the beginning. Some things can’t be avoided, but you can try to deal with them.

Sleep when the baby sleeps – is it possible?

Sometimes young mothers laugh at the old advice to sleep when the baby sleeps. They ask: who will clean, who will cook? Of course, it’s not always possible to sleep during a toddler’s nap, especially when you have an older child at home. However, assuming that the older one is for a few hours in the nursery, for example, it is definitely possible to take a nap during the day. And don’t ask who will clean the house then. 

This is the very moment when you need to learn to let go. The dishes in the sink can stand for a few hours, nothing will happen. Dinner? You can order it from time to time, or you can use ready-made meals. Your recovery is paramount at this point. On it depends the quality of care for the baby, but also the atmosphere at home.


With a tiny baby, there is no other option than to exchange duties. A young mother can’t cope left completely alone. Even if she doesn’t neglect her duties with the little one, such a situation can negatively affect her. Fortunately, usually the child has both parents, so the dad, even if he goes to work, should be able to relieve the burden on the mother. Admittedly, he won’t be able to help her with breastfeeding, but he can already do all the other activities without a problem. If this is not possible, don’t be afraid to ask for help from other family members or those closest to you. For a grandmother or friend, an hour or two of support in caring for the baby will not be a great sacrifice, and for you it will be a very big help.

main photo: Marcel

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