How to secure an infant crib?
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How to secure an infant crib?

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For parents the safety of their baby is the most important thing. A baby sleeps several hours a day, because it is the time when its organism regenerates and new neuron pathways and connections are established in the brain. Sleep is very necessary for the child, so its place to sleep should be properly prepared and arranged. We suggest how to protect a child’s bed.

A crib for a newborn baby

The child, who does not yet roll over from his back to his belly, and does not yet hold his head independently, should not have any accessories in the crib. Bedding, blankets, teddy bears or toys should be reserved for older children. Any additions, including even the bedding, may suffocate the newborn, who is not yet able to uncover himself or turn over from side to side. In a newborn’s bed apart from a mattress and a sheet on an elastic band there shouldn’t be any other things. Instead of bedclothes the newborn should be dressed in a bodysuit and wrapped in a special sleeping bag on suspenders

The baby’s crib

Older babies may have more extras in their crib, including bedding – a flat pillow and a quilt or blanket. For babies who already move around in their crib, hitting their head on the bars is a big risk. In order to prevent this, it is worth installing a crib protector intertwined. Such a braid of thick foam wonderfully protects and cushions any impact and prevents injuries. Protecting the baby’s head, especially when the fontanel is not yet completely overgrown is extremely important, which is why it is worth investing in your baby’s safety. If the crib stands in the parents’ bedroom and needs to fit in with the style of the room, a grey crib protector will be a perfectly neutral choice. The gray color is also a great option if you plan on having more than one child, and the protector should fit the crib regardless of the gender of the baby. You can buy beautiful and very carefully made pads in the form of a plaid in Emizu’s online store

Baby crib is a place where a baby spends most of the day for night sleep and day nap. In order for the toddler to develop properly, he needs good quality, deep sleep in appropriate and, above all, safe conditions. While there is no room for extras and accessories in a newborn’s crib, the place where the infant sleeps should contain several important items, including bedding, a protector and sensory toys.

Main photo: freestocks/

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